Creating Connections, Delivering Results

Sun Lit Pro stands out in the CRM landscape, especially designed for the nuanced fields of insurance and healthcare. It’s akin to a multi-tool for managing customer relationships, marketing automation, and sales growth, all with a specific focus on these industries. Let’s break down what sets Sun Lit Pro apart from the rest, with just a hint of levity to keep things interesting.

Sun Lit Pro isn’t just another CRM; it’s a specialized tool that understands the specific challenges and opportunities in insurance and healthcare. By focusing on these areas, it offers a unique blend of features that can significantly enhance how businesses manage relationships, automate processes, and grow their sales. It’s the kind of tool that makes you wonder how you ever managed without it.

Small business owner using new technology through Sun Lit Pro to manage business and marketing - St. Charles, Mo
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    All-in-One Platform:

    Think of Sun Lit Pro as your digital Swiss Army knife. It combines email marketing, SMS marketing, and appointment scheduling for your sales team in one integrated platform. This consolidation means fewer tools to juggle and potentially lower costs, making your life a bit easier without sacrificing functionality.

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    Customer-Management Features:

    Designed with insurance and healthcare in mind, Sun Lit Pro enables agencies to manage all their clients from a single account. This streamlines operations and client communications, akin to having a well-organized file cabinet where everything is at your fingertips.

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    Automated Lead Follow-Up:

    Sun Lit Pro takes the manual work out of following up with leads by automating communications through email, SMS, and voicemails. It's like having a diligent assistant who ensures no potential client slips through the cracks, improving your conversion rates with minimal effort.

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    Built-In Sales Funnels and Landing Pages:

    Unlike many CRMs that require third-party integrations for creating landing pages and sales funnels, Sun Lit Pro has these features built in. This simplifies the marketing process, allowing you to create and deploy campaigns directly from the platform, making it as straightforward as putting together a puzzle with all the pieces already laid out.

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    Reputation Management:

    In today's online world, maintaining a positive reputation is crucial. Sun Lit Pro's reputation management tools help monitor and respond to reviews across various platforms. It's the digital equivalent of having a good PR manager who keeps your business's image polished and positive.

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    Integration and Automation Capabilities:

    With extensive integration options, Sun Lit Pro connects with a wide array of third-party applications, facilitating automation across marketing, sales, and operations. This feature enhances efficiency and can create more personalized customer experiences, acting like a bridge that seamlessly connects all aspects of your business.

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    Responsive Customer Support and Community:

    Reliable customer support can be a game-changer, and Sun Lit Pro delivers. It's as if you have access to a knowledgeable team and a circle of peers always ready to offer advice, making navigating any challenges much smoother.

Our Services

Lead Generation | Website Design | Client Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management CRM - mobile app for marketing services - St. Charles, MO

Can Sun Lit Pro be used on a Desktop and Smartphone?

Yes, Sun Lit Pro can be used both on desktop computers and through a mobile app. The platform is designed to be versatile and accessible, ensuring users can manage their customer relationships, marketing campaigns, and sales processes from anywhere.

On Desktop: Sun Lit Pro can be accessed via a web browser on a desktop computer. This access allows users to utilize the full range of features available on the platform, including creating and managing marketing campaigns, analyzing sales data, setting up automation workflows, and much more. The desktop version is ideal for in-depth work that requires a larger screen and more complex multitasking.

On Mobile: Sun Lit Pro offers a mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices. The app provides convenient access to many of the platform’s key features, allowing users to manage contacts, view campaign results, communicate with clients, and even manage their schedules while on the go. The mobile app is particularly useful for sales teams and managers who need to stay connected and responsive to clients outside of the office.

The flexibility to switch between desktop and mobile platforms ensures that Sun Lit Pro users can stay productive and engaged with their CRM tasks, regardless of their location. This adaptability enhances the user experience, making Sun Lit Pro a practical solution for businesses looking for a comprehensive CRM system that supports a dynamic and mobile workforce.

Lead Nurturing

Let’s imagine you’ve got an organic lead popping up from your website. Sun Lit Pro is on it, ready to clue you in on where this lead sprang from. Each new lead is neatly time and date stamped, easily tagged as a “web lead,” for example. And here’s where it gets snazzy: depending on your pipeline preferences, the lucky rep assigned to this lead gets a text alert faster than you can say “hot lead,” complete with the lead’s name and digits.

But wait, there’s more! Before your rep even has the chance to dial, Sun Lit Pro has already broken the ice with a cheery text and email nudging the lead to anticipate a call. It’s all done super slickly “as the assigned rep” from within our system. Once your sales warrior makes the call, our automations kick in like a well-oiled machine, keeping the engagement going with SMS, email, and even ringless voicemail. Sun Lit Pro becomes your tireless virtual assistant, constantly nurturing that lead with the charm of a digital Casanova, unless, of course, the customer decides to hit “block” on SMS or emails. But until then, we’re like the best wingman your sales team could ask for.

Contact Sunlit Pro today at 941-241-0895.

Mobile App, Lead Nurturing - Marketing tools - mobile phone app concept - St. Charles, MO
Marketing concept, social media connection - St. Charles, MO


Integrating with Sun Lit Pro is like throwing a party and inviting all your favorite apps! From Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, TikTok, to Slack – and that’s just the start. Inside these apps, Sun Lit Pro becomes the life and soul, mingling and responding to messages as if it were born to socialize.

Picture this: Facebook Messenger and Google Chat, from your Google My Business account, aren’t just chatting platforms anymore; they’re gold mines for leads! It’s wonderfully straightforward. Every piece of information, every interaction, gets neatly tucked into the contact record.

It’s like Sun Lit Pro keeps a diary of all your customer interactions, making sure no detail is ever lost in the crowd.

Can Sun Lit Pro utilize AI?

Yes, Sun Lit Pro can indeed offer an AI chatbot that can be integrated directly into a webpage. This feature is part of Sun Lit Pro‘s suite of marketing and sales automation tools designed to enhance customer engagement and streamline lead capture processes.

The AI chatbot can be customized to match the specific needs of your business, engaging visitors with automated responses and guiding them through predefined paths based on their inquiries. Whether it’s answering common questions, booking appointments, or capturing lead information, the chatbot acts as a 24/7 virtual assistant on your website.

Integrating the AI chatbot into your webpage is straightforward with Sun Lit Pro, requiring minimal technical effort. This integration helps in ensuring that visitors receive immediate assistance at any time of the day, improving customer experience and potentially increasing conversion rates by keeping potential clients engaged.

By utilizing Sun Lit Pro‘s AI chatbot, businesses can make their websites more interactive and responsive to visitor needs, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of their online presence.

Contact Sunlit Pro today at 941-241-0895.

AI Chatbot tool online - website chat box pulled up on laptop - St. Charles, MO